March 3, 2009



News of Today (based on infos from the Lake and a call with Chico in Pevek)

- Kenna, Grisha, Vladimir and Martin had a safe flight to Lake E, arriving around noon. Dietmar and Chico returned back to Pevek without problems in the afternoon.

- At the Lake, temperatures were around -30C, with an uncomfortable wind from the north: However, little visible but important progress was made on the platform with electrical installations etc.

- Operations will be continued during the night with fuel and rig transport to D1 site by a dozer, which tomorrow has to leave to help the next trucks crossing the mountains.

- For tomorrow it is planned that one group will continue work on the platform while another group will start lowering the spacing between bamboo poles from 60 m to 30 m. First poles were already connected with red flags - this significantly increases visibility.


Cheers for now


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Andreas Vogt
geändert: 13. August 2015
erstellt:  1. Juli 2011