March 18, 2009



News of today:

- Still struggling with one or another smaller problem, but --- at long last --- the first 24 m were recovered  !!!  Using the HPC (Hydraulic Piston Corer), the recovery so far virtually is 100 % and the cores are of great quality, without not any signs of disturbance or degassing - more cores are just taken by the night shift. 

- The helicopter has made it to Lake E today. So, Olaf and Jens are on the way home and Volker W., Julia, and Carsten (Postdoc and students from Cologne) have reinforced the party.

- Southern winds picked up a little bit during the day, but in the evening it calmed down again.

Cheers for now

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Andreas Vogt
geändert: 13. August 2015
erstellt:  1. Juli 2011