March 6, 2009



News of Today (Lake E only)

- While in the camp the weather was rather uncomfortable, due to strong wind at -29C, the situation at site D1 fortunately was a little better.

- Hence, major news of today is the successful stationing of the rig on the platform - no easy job taking not only the weather conditions but also the limited alternatives we have with transport equipment.

- In the camp, preparations for core storage and transport made some progress, and successful meetings helped to develop the shift plan as well as the associated meals and warm water / sauna supplies.

- In ideal cases (predominantly calm weather), we can put the derrick on the platform and lift it with the tent that will finally close the entire structure ... we´ll see


Cheers for now


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Andreas Vogt
geändert: 13. August 2015
erstellt:  1. Juli 2011