March 15, 2009
News of today:
- Still calm and sunny at Lake E, at a temperature of -28C
- At site D1 setting of the casing still is in progress (7 pm here), planned to be completed tonight so that drilling can start as planned with the day shift tomorrow.
- The nice weather and last day prior to shift operation was used to recover the hard disk of the met station (´Yuri Met´) at the southern shore of Lake E. We will wait a few days to warm the disc up and then try to download whatever has been stored and still is existing since 2003. Besides, the thermistor on Geodetic Peak (the first hill to the west of the oulflow) was recovered.
- The whole-core physical property devise has successfully passed first tests.
- The core storage container, started two days ago, has confirmed that it is able to hold the temperature, thus being ready to receive cores.
Looking forward to reporting on first cores tomorrow ...
Cheers for now