Lake E News of the Day April 1 and 2
After the large crew change yesterday and the arrival of new tools, drilling resumed by the night shift who started out using the HPC to successfully recover an interval from 42 to 51 m. They then reamed out to 100 m and took the first drive from 100 to 103m.
The day shift was at the rig at 8AM and spent the day drilling from 103 to 135m through the difficult section with a surprising amount of sand and very fine gravel. Recovery in the sand to granule sized materials was only about 30% with higher recovery when we high enough silt and clay to hold it in the pipe. In one core we recovered an elongate subangular cobble 7.5 cm in length that was washed from the sand. At about 130 m sediment depth we had >100% recovery in finally laminated muds with a great deal of expansion, like that see before in 1a at roughly the same depth.
Today the weather was just great with clear skies, no wind, -27 deg C in the morning and a nice first quarter moon tonight.
Cheers from the Lake....Julie BG