March 4, 2009



News of today (Lake E only)

- Wonderful day at Lake E, -27C, no clouds, little wind and great visibility.

- Shuttling to site D1 for the first time took place with the bus that recently has arrived, instead of the somewhat "bumpy" Vestechot.

- At site D1 further progress was made with internal constructions. Besides, one of the large gensets was started, now providing plenty of energy for heaters, lights etc. This will make life and upcoming construction work much easier.

- The crane made its first ride to the site and will be available on short notice once the rig can be positioned (presumably tomorrow or in two days).

- The ice road is now marked with bamboo poles every 50 m. Some flags still need to be connected. The poles still remaining will be used tomorrow to mark also the 500 m road from the camp to the beginning of the ice road.


Cheers for now



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Andreas Vogt
geändert: 13. August 2015
erstellt:  1. Juli 2011