March 11, 2009
News of Today
- Another storm day at Lake El’gygytgyn. Little calming (real or wish) led us to first to test the ice road conditions with the Vestechod and then drive to D1 with the Dozer and Bus (Transporter), keeping the Vestechod in Camp as backup vehicle. The Bus eventually made it to D1, but it took 3 hrs on the way to the site and 2 hrs back - the new snow drifts, though much smaller than those in the camp, were hard to pass by that vehicle.
- We found the platform in place and in rather good shape. The tarp (fortunately not the tent) has some minor holes and a small tear, and openings in the platform caused a significant amount of snow to be blown in. We adjusted the tent, cleaned the platform from most of the snow and used the opportunity for some minor preparation work, but it already had become too late and the conditions outside were still too harsh to make larger improvements.
We are looking forward to somewhat better conditions at Lake E
Cheers for now