March 1, 2009



News of today (based on emails/calls with Olaf and Catalina and other information).

- At Lake E weather gratefully kept calm. Consequently, significant progress was made again with the platform set-up: two doors are done and about 3/4 of the roof. One more working day, and the platform will be widely weather-proof. The rig still needs to be put on (with the crane), and constructions inside also require some time.

- The permafrost cores that have departed Pevek yesterday in the meantime have arrived in good shape in St. Petersburg. The colleagues from AARI have organized for proper transport to a freezer. Now the paper work will start for the export of the core material.


Cheers for now


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Andreas Vogt
geändert: 13. August 2015
erstellt:  1. Juli 2011