February 9, 2009




News of Today (Email from Olaf):


- Weather conditions at Lake E today were still perfect, little wind, clear sky and -38C.

- Flooding of Pad D1 was continued, water for additional 5 cm of ice was pumped

- According to Catalina (Info to Olaf), the third convoy to Lake E shall start

from Pevek tomorrow.

- This convoy also will bring a new (used) motor for the vesdechod broken at the lake.

- The second convoy with the first containers did not arrive yet.

- The Pevek party will try to organize the next helicopter trip some time next week.

- Please note nice picture on the ICDP-webpage (pump in action).


Cheers for now


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Andreas Vogt
geändert: 13. August 2015
erstellt: 30. Juni 2011