February 2, 2009



Some News of Today (based on various EMails) 

- The fifth day with strong winds (sometimes calming but then accelerating again) at Lake E again excluded any work on the ice. In 2003 we had a maximum of 7 days with storms, so we are hopeful that the weather will calm soon, possibly just in time for the next party to arrive.


- The next party has completely accrued in Moscow. A problem is that 11 pieces of DOSECC luggage did as yet not make it to Moscow. There is still hope that it comes on a later flight, but people are already thinking about the consequences if it does not come in time. Besides, the party is busy with final shopping, money exchange etc. before they board to Pevek later today.


- In Pevek Chico is preparing for the arrival of the next party, keeping an eye on Gutov´s convoy activities, and trying to get the bamboo poles in the Pevek customs released or alternatives organized to allow for a more dense marking of the ice roads.


So, things are moving, but some hurdles still have to be passed ….


Cheers for now


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Andreas Vogt
geändert: 13. August 2015
erstellt: 30. Juni 2011