Lake E Daily News, Wednesday, 6 May, 2009
Packing up continued in camp today. Most significantly, the 8 skids that make up the drilling platform were all wedged into shipping containers, 2 in each container, one on top of another. This required a lot of effort from one dozer and the crane.
Today the helicopter arrived from Pevek bringing in Miora Rankin and Jared Weissbrot of Sound Prints, Inc. They are producing science programming for radio with funding from the NSF and in collaboration with Deutsche Welle, New Zealand Radio and BBC World. So they will be with us in camp through next week and travel with us during our final days in Pevek.
Just after the helicopter arrived, the weather went down with moderate winds form the south, blowing snow and low visibility. After 5 days of great conditions for the demob, we are lucky to have most everything here in camp to continue packing and inventory work.
paka! Julie BG