Lake E Daily News, 15 May, 2009


The Lake E science team remains in Pevek  -- being lazy, sleeping late, and going for walks around town.   The weather was great today -- warm and sunny -- and many of us visited the museum.  We gave them a CD with photos of the Lake E project and hope we can provide them with more material for a display for the locals to enjoy.  The town of Pevek is a pretty depressing place if you only look at the physical surroundings and lack of public works.  There is trash everywhere, buildings are falling apart.   But the museum is clean and well maintained with a growing collection of archeology and human history of the region. 

                  We made one final visit to the core containers in Gutov's Yard -- one reefer has the sediment cores and is kept at 4 deg C and the other is an unheated container with the rock cores and other equipment to come with the charter in June.   All of our samples have been weighed and total 3.5 tons!

                  Tonight most of the group is over at the "Iceberg" social building for some pool and beer.  Pavel and I, being the old folks in this group, are working on spreadsheets of various kinds. 


We have three more full days here as we await our flight back to Moscow on Tuesday, May 19.    cheers .... Julie BG et al.

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Andreas Vogt
geändert: 13. August 2015
erstellt:  1. Juli 2011