Lake E Daily News, 1st May, 2009
Today was our first full day of demobilization at Lake E. Part of the crew was at the platform taking down interior walls, washing the mud plumbing, washing the rig, putting away the science materials, washing tools, taking down lights, putting liners back into containers etc. All HQ and PQ pipe was delivered back to camp. All of the flags and banners came down off the rig.
In camp, some people got a start on disassembling the physical properties lab. Others unloaded pipe. 5 of our 17 containers were moved from near shore to a place behind the baloks for easy loading and inventorying. Pavel Minyuk has a remarkable system for the inventory including pictures and documentation of nearly everything, every part, every fixture, largely because the rig will next travel to to his institution in Magadan by way of Pevek and Vladivostok.
We enjoyed wonderful weather today -- calm, clear without a cloud in the sky, and about -6 deg C. Today is Russia's National Day so we came back from the platform a little early to give everyone a longer evening. Its remarkable to think but some of the Russians in camp have been out here for 7-8 months or more.
Dobrey Nocha! Julie BG