Lake E Daily News, 12 April, 2009
No Arctic Easter Bunnies around here. The night shift made it down to 272.47m with only about 20% recovery in sections of interbedded muds and sand. The day shift tried to take the next core but found the rig was really straining to lift the PQ core barrel so we risked damaging the derrick. Both the on-line winch and the rotating head were needed to pull it up. So Doug asked me about switching to HQ and I said yes -- a damaged derrick is no good to anyone. So by noon we stopped drilling operations and started down hole logging of the section from 200 to 272 m and tonight as I write we expect them to finish by midnight. (See April 4th for list of what is measured).
Then during the night shift, we will which over to HQ pipe (smaller diameter) and see if we can get sediment cores that way -- knowing that we could hit the breccia any moment. We are starting to take bets about the depth at which we will be into it. But its likely we will hit it by mid-week.
We have made a request to purchase more mud, maybe 8 tons, from one of the local gold mining companies to keep us in business. Our consumption rate in core 1c has been much more than we expected.
Weather is turning a bit....back to strong winds tonight.
....Julie BG