Lake E Daily News, Wednesday, 15 April, 2009
Still elated after reaching the impact breccia yesterday, we are learning about the geologic complexity below the lake sediments. Today we had some poor recovery because of the coarse nature of materials, but we are into very unusual stuff -- very red and heavily weathered gravel and sand (in lots of colors and lithologies) some red clay mud etc. The day shift ended at -375 m. Pavel Minyuk speculated that yesterday we may have drilled initially into a megablock that could have fallen into the lake during its earliest years. Mega blocks are common in these craters. So the milestone of yesterday remains right on target, and I am sure Christian will have more to say about these materials after he as a look in person next week.
In order that we might capture as much information about this section of the hole as possible, we decided to delay the helicopter (with the OSG loggers flying out) to Friday so we could drill as deep as possible and then complete the down hole logging from -275m to -375 m (plus what they get tonight) across the transition at -315 m.
We were stalled most of the afternoon due to repairs needed on the rotating head of the drill rig. It is now fixed. Drilling will continue over the night shift until 8 AM Thursday morning. After that the OGS will need about 18 hrs to log before they depart midday on Friday.
Do vstrechi.... Julie BG