March 28, 2009


All, News of today:

- We just received the information that our replacement bits have safely arrived in Moscow and were passed to Pavel´s son in time for the flight to Magadan later today. This is VERY good news, making a continuation of drilling in the next week much more likely.

- On site D1, the casing was completed. With the remaining six casing pieces delivered from the camp it was lowered deep into the mud without problems. So, Hole 1c is ready for drilling and/or logging.

- In the camp, priorities were discussed for the drilling work still possible to be conducted in the time and with the equipment remaining.  Based on that, and assuming a rapid delivery of the replacement bits, no more loss of material, and no interruption of drilling due to weather, the majority of science goals can still be achieved. This requires much much luck, but we keep optimistic.

- Besides, we have started to outline the logistical needs and succession of activities for the demobilization starting in May. A  more final plan soon has to be discussed with our local contractor Gutov, who runs the camp and conducts the land-based transport for the project. Besides, it may function as the basis for an outline of the activities reasonable, in case we have to complete the drilling in the next season.

- Office work today was interrupted from time to time by construction of an igloo, which is meant to be used as "Single Room" for PIs or  other expeditioners teasing the party.

Cheers for now


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Andreas Vogt
geändert: 13. August 2015
erstellt:  1. Juli 2011