Lake E Daily News, 21 April 2009
Today we waited again for parts and mud. The mud is still not here but is somewhere on the snow road to the camp. The worst luck ever was that Christian Koeberl's plane from Moscow to Pevek was delayed an entire day so he will not arrive until Wednesday, April 22 with the needed hard rock lifter cases we need. We hope to expedite his immigration papers to Chukotka so he can fly to the Lake with the parts on Thursday, April 23. This then gives us 9 days of drilling as planned.
On a sad note, however, today we had to ask Uli Raschke, a student from Berlin to fly home from Moscow where he had been eagerly waiting to fly to Pevek with Christian. We learned late this afternoon that the Anadyr Government would not give him a permit with clearance for a visit to Chukotka. Had his plane been on time and he had flown to Pevek, the project would have face fines and Uli would have sat in Pevek anyway. So we are all baffled and disappointed.
The good news today is that Volker Wennrich and I were able to download the data logger and storage module from the Yuri Met station constructed by Matt Nolan in 2000, located at the south end of the lake. The station was repaired in 2001, and has been collecting data ever since. We need to analyze the data to determine what instruments stopped working when, but the station was still recording some data until we took it apart a few days ago. So with luck Matt will have a nearly continuous data set 8 years in length to work with.
The sky has been pretty clear today but the wind is picking up tonight after a daytime high of about -12 C.
take care...Julie BG