peer-reviewed | 2007 | L - Z

Lozhkin A.V., Anderson P.M., Matrosova T.V., Minyuk P.S., Brigham-Grette J. & Melles M. (2007): Continuous record of environmental changes in Chukotka during the last 350 thousand years. - Russian Journal of Pacific Geology, 1(6): 550-555.

Melles M., Brigham-Grette J., Glushkova O.Y., Minyuk P.S., Nowaczyk N.R. & Hubberten H.W. (2007): Sedimentary geochemistry of core PG1351 from Lake El'gygytgyn - a sensitive record of climate variability in the East Siberian Arctic during the past three glacial-interglacial cycles. - Journal of Paleolimnology, 37: 89-104.

Minyuk P.S., Brigham-Grette J., Melles M., Borkhodoev V.Y. & Glushkova, O.Y. (2007): Inorganic geochemistry of El'gygytgyn Lake sediments (northeastern Russia) as an indicator of paleoclimatic change for the last 250 kyr. - Journal of Paleolimnology, 37: 123-133.

Niessen F., Gebhardt A.C., Kopsch C. & Wagner B. (2007): Seismic investigation of the El'gygytgyn impact crater lake (Central Chukotka, NE Siberia): preliminary results. - Journal of Paleolimnology, 37: 49-63.

Nolan M. & Brigham-Grette J. (2007): Basic hydrology, limnology, and meteorology of modern Lake El'gygytgyn, Siberia. - Journal of Paleolimnology, 37: 17-35.

Nowaczyk N.R., Melles M. & Minyuk P. (2007): A revised age model for core PG1351 from Lake El'gygytgyn, Chukotka, based on magnetic susceptibility variations correlated to northern hemisphere insolation variations. - Journal of Paleolimnology, 37: 65-76.

Stachura-Suchoples K., & Khursevich G. (2007): On the genus Pliocaenicus Round & Håkansson (Bacillariophyceae) from the Northern Hemisphere. - In: W.H. Kusper & R. Jahn (eds.):  Proc. 1st Central European Diatom Meeting 2007, BGBM, Berlin: 155-158. doi: 10.3372/cediatom. 132.

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Andreas Vogt
geändert: 13. August 2015
erstellt:  6. Juli 2011